Monday, May 18, 2009

Nine pounds and counting!

Just wanted to share with everyone that I have lost a total of nine pounds! I'm so thrilled! I need to lose 15 more to reach my goal weight! I'm thrilled! I stepped on wii fit the other day and I was in the normal BMI range! Ha ha...I was Overweight before! LOL

This weekend was pretty crazy. I ended up staying at the Arlington with my cousins for Kimmie's birthday. I totally ate all the wrong things. I mean, I ate Italian, junk food, tater tots, bad things for breakfast and still came out weighing a half a pound less than when I left for the weekend. I'm not sure how that happened, but it did! I gotta tell you, my body has gotten used to eating healthy things and when I got home Sunday evening I felt nauseous from eating all that crap! Funny thing is, it used to be all the stuff that I would normally eat! Eww...I popped a Zantac and luckily fell asleep!

How was everyone else's weekend? I can't wait to get off of work today--I get to see Jeff and then I'm trying out my new mini trampoline =) I can't wait!


  1. Congrats Tara! The same thing happened to me this weekend...I DID NOT exercise ALL weekend! Ah, and I came out 2 lbs lighter this week! I think sometimes our bodies just need a break and they thank us for it! :) Haha, way to go girl!

  2. Congrats! I wish I had your willpower and motivation!

  3. Thanks y'all!! (can tell I'm southern, huh?)

  4. Girl, like you need to lose any!! Congrats though, now if I can get on the weight lose wagon we'll ALL be doing good! That outfit was given at my shower by my brother and his wife, i'll take some pictures of the one you gave her in the next couple of days!
