Friday, May 15, 2009

My Newest Exercise Addition was payday, so I decided to hit up good ol' Wal-Mart to pick up some hand weights that are heavier than the ones I have at home. While over in the fitness section I noticed they had mini trampolines in stock! I've been thinking about getting one for awhile. When I was in my freshman year of college, I took some life fitness class for general ed. My instructor told us that the mini trampoline was one of then best things that you can work out on- it works just about every muscle in your body and is a great cardio workout. Ever since she told us that it kinda stuck with me and I always thought I should get one. Well, since they were there in front of me, I had the money, I just went ahead and got one, with my weights! Here is a picture of the trampoline I bought:

Cool, huh?! It came with an electronic thingy for counting jumps, calories and timing, the resitance bands on the side and a workout DVD. has a lot of great reviews on this thing, most being 5 stars. The best thing...the price! I got it for around $35.00. It's small, easy to store and easy to assemble. I can't wait to try it out. I plan on jumping on that, working out on my mini stepper and eventually get a step thing for step-aerobics and just rotate doing them all for about 50 mins. I bet jumping on this won't be so bad on the knees and ankles either.

So...has anyone tried a mini trampoline? If so, what did you think about it?